Package 'vtree'

Title: Display Information About Nested Subsets of a Data Frame
Description: A tool for calculating and drawing "variable trees". Variable trees display information about nested subsets of a data frame.
Authors: Nick Barrowman [aut, cre], Sebastian Gatscha [aut], Franco Momoli [cph]
Maintainer: Nick Barrowman <[email protected]>
License: GPL-3
Version: 5.6.6
Built: 2025-03-03 04:34:16 UTC

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vtree: a tool for calculating and drawing variable trees.


vtree is a flexible tool for generating variable trees — diagrams that display information about nested subsets of a data frame. Given simple specifications, the vtree function produces these diagrams and automatically labels them with counts, percentages, and other summaries.

With vtree, you can:

  • explore a data set interactively, and

  • produce customized figures for reports and publications.

For a comprehensive introduction see the vignette.


Nick Barrowman <[email protected]>

See Also

Build a data frame to display with vtree


Build a data frame by specifying variable names and patterns of values together with frequencies.

Usage, ...)



A vector of variable names.


Lists of patterns and the frequency of each pattern. When a pattern is shorter than the list of variable names (for example, 3 variable names but only 2 values in the pattern), NA's are substituted for the missing variable names.


Suppose varnames=c("animal","size","hair"), then one pattern would be list("dog","small","short",4), which specifies 4 dogs that are small and short-haired. Another pattern could be list("cat","large","long",101), specifying 101 large cats.


A data frame.


Nick Barrowman <[email protected]>


# Number of countries in Africa, whether population is over 30 million or not,
# and whether landlocked or not.
df <-
 list("Africa","Over 30 million","landlocked",2),
 list("Africa","Over 30 million","not landlocked",12),
 list("Africa","Under 30 million","landlocked",14),
 list("Africa","Under 30 million","not landlocked",26))

Convert a crosstabulation into a data frame of cases.


Convert a table of crosstabulated counts into a data frame of cases.





a matrix or table of frequencies representing a crosstabulation.


Returns a data frame of cases.


Nick Barrowman, based on the countsToCases function at


# The Titanic data set is in the datasets package.
# Convert it from a 4 x 2 x 2 x 2 crosstabulation 
# to a 4-column data frame of 2201 individuals
titanic <- crosstabToCases(Titanic)

Fake clinical dataset


A dataset consisting of made-up clinical data. Note that some observations are missing (i.e. NAs).




A small data frame in which the rows represent (imaginary) patients and the columns represent variables of possible clinical relevance.


Integer: Patient ID number


Factor: Treatment Group, A or B


Factor representing severity of condition: Mild, Moderate, or Severe


Factor: M or F


Integer: Sex coded as 1=M, 0=F


Integer: Age in years, continuous


Integer: Score on a test


Factor: single, double, or triple


Numeric: initial measurement


Numeric: measurement taken after something happened


Numeric: measurement taken at the very end of the study


Numeric: time to event, or time of censoring


Integer: Did the event occur? 1=yes, 0=no (i.e. censoring)


Integer: Indicator variable for a certain characteristic, 1=present, 0=absent


Integer: Indicator variable for a certain characteristic, 1=present, 0=absent


Integer: Indicator variable for a certain characteristic, 1=present, 0=absent


Integer: Indicator variable for a certain characteristic, 1=present, 0=absent


Logical: Does this patient have a viral illness?

Fake Randomized Controlled Trial (RCT) data


A dataset consisting of made-up RCT data.




A small data frame in which the rows represent (imaginary) patients and the columns represent variables of possible clinical relevance.


String: Patient ID number


Factor: Eligible or Ineligible


Factor: Randomized or Not randomized


Factor: A or B


Factor: Followed up or Not followed up


Factor: Analyzed or Not analyzed

Export an htmlwidget object into an image file


Export an htmlwidget object (produced by DiagrammerR::grViz) into a PNG file


grVizToImageFile(g, width = NULL, height = NULL, format = "png",
  folder = ".", filename)



an object produced by the grViz function from the DiagrammmeR package


the width in pixels of the bitmap


the height in pixels of the bitmap


Graphics file format. Currently "png" and "pdf" are supported.


path to folder where the PNG file should stored


an optional filename stem. If not provided, the filename stem will be derived from the name of the argument of g.


First the grViz object is exported to an SVG file (using DiagrammeRsvg::export_svg). Then the SVG file is converted to a bitmap (using rsvg::rsvg). Then the bitmap is exported as a PNG file (using png::writePNG). Note that the SVG file and the PNG file will be named using the name of the g parameter


Returns the full path of the imagefile.


In addition to the DiagrammmeR package, the following packages are used: DiagrammeRsvg, rsvg


Nick Barrowman

Export an htmlwidget object into a PNG file


Export an htmlwidget object (produced by DiagrammerR::grViz) into a PNG file


grVizToPNG(g, width = NULL, height = NULL, folder = ".", filename)



an object produced by the grViz function from the DiagrammmeR package


the width in pixels of the bitmap


the height in pixels of the bitmap


path to folder where the PNG file should stored


an optional filename. If not provided, the filename will be derived from the name of the argument of g.


First the grViz object is exported to an SVG file (using DiagrammeRsvg::export_svg). Then the SVG file is converted to a bitmap (using rsvg::rsvg). Then the bitmap is exported as a PNG file (using png::writePNG). Note that the SVG file and the PNG file will be named using the name of the g parameter


Returns the full path of the PNG file.


In addition to the DiagrammmeR package, the following packages are used: DiagrammeRsvg, rsvg


Nick Barrowman

vtree widget


Shiny bindings for vtree


renderVtree(expr, env = parent.frame(), quoted = FALSE)



an expression that generates a variable tree


the environment in which to evaluate expr.


is expr a quoted expression (with quote())? This is useful if you want to save an expression in a variable.

See Also

vtreeOutput, vtree

Other Shiny Functions: init_js(), inlineCssSetup(), use_svgzoom(), vtreeOutput()


## Not run: 

ui <- fluidPage(
  vtreeOutput("vtree", width = "100%", height = "800px")

server <- function(input, output, session) {
  output$vtree <- renderVtree({
    vtree(FakeData,"Severity Sex",

shinyApp(ui, server)

## End(Not run)

Create a Shiny vtree, with svg-pan-zoom functionality.


'svtree' uses Shiny and the svg-pan-zoom JavaScript library to create a variable tree with panning and zooming functionality. The mousewheel allows you to zoom in or out. The variable tree can also be dragged to a different position.





parameters to be passed to 'vtree'


The svg-pan-zoom library webpage is

The Matrix trilogy characters


This data set was abstracted from the three movies.




A tibble with 35 rows and 14 variables:


Name of character


Height (m)


male, female; by appearance


This is the nature of the character, whether plugged into the matrix and took a red pill (coppertop), born free in Zion (born free), or a computer application running in the matrix (app)


yes, no


Description of clothing worn

bodycount1, bodycount2, bodycount3

A count of the number of onscreen kills, in or out of the matrix, for each of the movies


List of ships

the.matrix, the.matrix.reloaded., the.matrix.revolutions

Indicates if the character was in the movie


Franco Momoli


# ship within sunglasses within nature
vtree(the.matrix,"nature sunglasses ship")

Setup for interactive Vtree


This function must be called in the UI, in order to make the vtree interactive.


use_svgzoom(minheight = "200px", cursor_all = "all-scroll",
  overflow = "inherit !important", position = "sticky",
  fill = "transparent", cursor_text = "pointer",
  init_event = c("mouseenter", "click", "dblclick"),
  onwindow_resize = TRUE, shortcuts = TRUE)



minimum height in "px". Default is "200px".


The cursor symbol for the whole SVG. Default is "all-scroll".


Overflow value for the whole SVG. Default is "inherit".


CSS position of the SVG. Default is "sticky".


Fill color for the SVG background. Default is "transparent".


The cursor symbol for text nodes. Default is "pointer".


The mouse event to activate zooming and panning. Default is mouseenter.


Should the SVG be resized when the window size changes? Default is TRUE.


Should Keyboard shortcuts be used to control the SVG? Default is TRUE.

See Also

vtreeOutput, vtree

Other Shiny Functions: init_js(), inlineCssSetup(), renderVtree(), vtreeOutput()


## Not run: 

ui <- fluidPage(
  helpText(div(style="font-weight: 800; font-size: large; color: black;",
               HTML("Zooming and Panning is possible with mouse-drag ",
                    "and mouse-wheel <br>, or with shortcuts;",
                    " +,- and arrow-keys and CTRL+Backspace to",
                    " resize+fit+center the svg.."))),
  vtreeOutput("vtree", width = "100%", height = "500px")

server <- function(input, output, session) {
  output$vtree <- renderVtree({
    vtree(FakeData,"Severity Sex",

shinyApp(ui, server)

## End(Not run)

Format an indicator-based pattern table


Given a pattern table produced by vtree for indicator (i.e 0/1) variables, VennTable returns an augmented table. The augmented table includes an extra row with the total for each indicator variable and an extra row with the corresponding percentage (which will not in general add to 100%). Also, optionally, does some additional formatting for pandoc markdown.


VennTable(x, markdown = FALSE, NAcode = "-", unchecked = c("0", "FALSE",
  "No", "no", "not N/A"), checked = c("1", "TRUE", "Yes", "yes", "N/A"),
  sort = TRUE)



Required: Pattern table produced by vtree for indicator (i.e 0/1) variables


Format nicely for markdown (see Details).


Code to use to represent NAs in markdown formatting


Vector of character strings that represent unchecked values; by default: c("0","FALSE","No","no","not N/A")


Vector of character strings that represent checked values; by default: c("1","TRUE","Yes","yes","N/A")


Sort variables by frequency?


The column totals ignore missing values.

When markdown=TRUE, the row and column headings for percentages are labeled "%", indicator values equal to 1 are replaced by checkmark codes, indicator values equal to 0 are replaced by spaces, and missing indicator values are replaced by dashes. Empty headings are replaced by spaces. Finally the table is transposed.


Returns a character matrix with extra rows containing indicator sums.


Nick Barrowman


# Generate a pattern table for the indicator variables Ind1 and Ind2
ptab <- vtree(FakeData,"Ind1 Ind2",ptable=TRUE)
# Augment the table
ptab2 <- VennTable(ptab)
# Print the result without quotation marks (which are distracting)
# Generate a table with pandoc markdown formatting
ptab3 <- VennTable(ptab,markdown=TRUE)

Draw a variable tree


Variable trees display information about nested subsets of a data frame, in which the subsetting is defined by the values of categorical variables.


vtree(data = NULL, vars, showuniform = TRUE, hideconstant = NULL,
  words = NULL, horiz = TRUE, title = "", sameline = FALSE,
  vp = TRUE, prune = list(), tprune = list(), keep = list(),
  tkeep = list(), prunebelow = list(), tprunebelow = list(),
  follow = list(), tfollow = list(), prunesmaller = NULL,
  prunebigger = NULL, summary = NULL, tsummary = NULL,
  shownodelabels = TRUE, showvarnames = TRUE, showpct = TRUE,
  showlpct = TRUE, showcount = TRUE, prefixcount = "",
  showrootcount = TRUE, showlegend = FALSE, showroot = TRUE,
  showvarinnode = FALSE, showlegendsum = FALSE, labelvar = NULL,
  labelnode = list(), tlabelnode = NULL, digits = 0, cdigits = 1,
  fillcolor = NULL, specfill = NULL, fillnodes = TRUE,
  NAfillcolor = "white", rootfillcolor = "#EFF3FF", palette = NULL,
  gradient = TRUE, revgradient = FALSE, sortfill = FALSE,
  singlecolor = 2, colorvarlabels = TRUE, color = c("blue",
  "forestgreen", "red", "orange", "pink"), colornodes = FALSE,
  plain = FALSE, Venn = FALSE, = FALSE, seq = FALSE,
  pattern = FALSE, ptable = FALSE, text = list(), ttext = list(),
  varlabelloc = NULL, font = "Arial", varnamepointsize = 24,
  varnamebold = FALSE, legendpointsize = 14, HTMLtext = FALSE,
  splitwidth = 20, vsplitwidth = 8, splitspaces = TRUE,
  getscript = FALSE, mincount = 1, maxcount, showempty = FALSE,
  choicechecklist = TRUE, just = "c", justtext = NULL, thousands = "",
  folder = NULL, format = "", imageFileOnly = FALSE, pngknit = TRUE,
  pxwidth = NULL, pxheight = NULL, imagewidth = "", imageheight = "",
  width = NULL, height = NULL, maxNodes = 1000, unchecked = c("0",
  "FALSE", "No", "no"), checked = c("1", "TRUE", "Yes", "yes"),
  trim = NULL, rounded = TRUE, varminwidth = NULL, varminheight = NULL,
  squeeze = 1, arrowhead = "normal", nodesep = 0.5, ranksep = 0.5,
  margin = 0.2, graphattr = "", nodeattr = "", edgeattr = "",
  nodefunc = NULL, nodeargs = NULL, verbose = FALSE, runsummary = NULL,
  retain = NULL, auto = FALSE, parent = 1, last = 1, root = TRUE,
  subset = 1:nrow(z), numsmallernodes = 0, sumsmallernodes = 0,
  numbiggernodes = 0, sumbiggernodes = 0, as.if.knit = FALSE,
  prunelone = NULL, pruneNA = FALSE, lsplitwidth = 15,
  showlevels = TRUE, z = NULL)



Required: Data frame, or a single vector.


Required (unless data is a single vector): Variables to use for the tree. Can be (1) a character string of whitespace-separated variable names, (2) a vector of variable names, (3) a formula without a left-hand side, e.g. ~ Age + Sex, but note that extended variable specifications cannot be used in this case.


Show a variable even when it only has one value?


Hide a variable if its only value is one of the specified strings.


A list of named vectors of values. Used to build a variable tree representing all permutations of these values. No counts will be shown.


Should the tree be drawn horizontally? (i.e. root node on the left, with the tree growing to the right)


Label for the root node of the tree.


Display node label on the same line as the count and percentage? A single value (with no names) specifies the setting for all variables. A logical vector of TRUE for named variables is interpreted as A logical vector of FALSE for named variables is interpreted as FALSE for those variables and TRUE for all others.


Use valid percentages? Valid percentages are computed by first excluding any missing values, i.e. restricting attention to the set of "valid" observations. The denominator is thus the number of non-missing observations. When vp=TRUE, nodes for missing values show the number of missing values but do not show a percentage; all the other nodes show valid percentages. When vp=FALSE, all nodes (including nodes for missing values) show percentages of the total number of observations.

prune, keep, prunebelow, follow

List of named vectors that specify pruning. (see Pruning below)

tprune, tkeep, tprunebelow, tfollow

List of lists of named vectors that specify "targeted" pruning. (see Pruning below)


Prune any nodes with count less than specified number.


Prune any nodes with count greater than specified number.


A character string used to specify summary statistics to display in the nodes. See Displaying summary information below for details.


A list of character-string vectors. The initial elements of each character string vector point to a specific node. The final element of each character string vector is a summary string, with the same structure as summary.


Show node labels? A single value (with no names) specifies the setting for all variables. Otherwise, a named logical vector indicates which variables should have their node labels shown. If the vector consists of only TRUE values, it is interpreted as TRUE for those variables and FALSE for all others. Similarly, if the vector consists of only FALSE values, it is interpreted as FALSE for those variables and TRUE for all others.


Show the name of the variable next to each layer of the tree?

showpct, showlpct

Show percentage? showpct is for nodes, showlpct is for legends. A single value (with no names) specifies the setting for all variables. A logical vector of TRUE for named variables is interpreted as A logical vector of FALSE for named variables is interpreted as FALSE for those variables and TRUE for all others.


Show count in each node? A single value (with no names) specifies the setting for all variables. A logical vector of TRUE for named variables is interpreted as A logical vector of FALSE for named variables is interpreted as FALSE for those variables and TRUE for all others.


Text that will precede each count.


Should count in root node?


Show legend (including marginal frequencies) for each variable?


Show the root node? When seq=TRUE, it may be useful to set showroot=FALSE.


Show the variable name in each node?


Show summary information in the legend? (Provided summary has been specified).


A named vector of labels for variables.


List of vectors used to change how values of variables are displayed. The name of each element of the list is one of the variable names in vars. Each element of the list is a vector of character strings, representing the values of the variable. The names of the vector represent the labels to be used in place of the values.


A list of vectors, each of which specifies a particular node, as well as a label for that node (a "targeted" label). The names of each vector specify variable names, except for an element named label, which specifies the label to use.

digits, cdigits

Number of decimal digits to show in percentages (digits) and in continuous values displayed via the summary parameter (cdigits).


[Color] A named vector of colors for filling the nodes of each variable. If an unnamed, scalar color is specified, all nodes will have this color.


[Color] A list with specified color values for specified variables.


[Color] Fill the nodes with color?


[Color] Fill-color for missing-value nodes. If NULL, fill colors of missing value nodes will be consistent with the fill colors in the rest of the tree.


[Color] Fill-color for the root node.


[Color] A vector of palette numbers (which can range between 1 and 14). The names of the vector indicate the corresponding variable. See Palettes below for more information.


[Color] Use gradients of fill color across the values of each variable? A single value (with no names) specifies the setting for all variables. A logical vector of TRUE values for named variables is interpreted as TRUE for those variables and FALSE for all others. A logical vector of FALSE values for named variables is interpreted as FALSE for those variables and TRUE for all others.


[Color] Should the gradient be reversed (i.e. dark to light instead of light to dark)? A single value (with no names) specifies the setting for all variables. A logical vector of TRUE values for named variables is interpreted as A logical vector of FALSE values for named variables is interpreted as FALSE for those variables and TRUE for all others.


[Color] Sort colors in order of node count? When a gradient fill is used, this results in the nodes with the smallest counts having the lightest shades and the nodes with the largest counts having the darkest shades.


[Color] When a variable has a single value, this parameter is used to specify whether nodes should have a (1) light shade, (2) a medium shade, or (3) a dark shade. specify singlecolor=1 to assign a light shade.


[Color] Color the variable labels?


[Color] A vector of color names for the outline of the nodes in each layer.


[Color] Color the node outlines?


[Color] Use "plain" settings? These settings are as follows: for each variable all nodes are the same color, namely a shade of blue (with each successive variable using a darker shade); all variable labels are black; and the squeeze parameter is set to 0.6.


Display multi-way set membership information? This provides an alternative to a Venn diagram. This sets showpct=FALSE and shownodelabels=FALSE. Assumption: all of the specified variables are logicals or 0/1 numeric variables.

Replace each variable named in vars with a logical vector indicating whether or not each of its values is missing?


Display the variable tree using sequences? Each unique sequence (i.e. pattern) of values will be shown separately. The sequences are sorted from least frequent to most frequent.


Display the variable tree using patterns? These are the same as seq, but lines without arrows are drawn, and instead of a sequence variable, a pattern variable is shown.


Generate a pattern table instead of a variable tree? Only applies when pattern=TRUE.


A list of vectors containing extra text to add to nodes corresponding to specified values of a specified variable. The name of each element of the list must be one of the variable names in vars. Each element is a vector of character strings. The names of the vector identify the nodes to which the text should be added.


A list of vectors, each of which specifies a particular node, as well as text to add to that node ("targeted" text). The names of each vector specify variable names, except for an element named text, which specifies the text to add.


A named vector of vertical label locations ("t", "c", or "b" for top, center, or bottom, respectively) for nodes of each variable. (Sets the Graphviz labelloc attribute.)




Font size (in points) to use when displaying variable names.


Show the variable name in bold?


Font size (in points) to use when displaying legend.


Is the text formatted in HTML?

splitwidth, vsplitwidth

The minimum number of characters before an automatic linebreak is inserted. splitwidth is for node labels, vsplitwidth is for variable names.


When vars is a character string, split it by spaces to get variable names? It is only rarely necessary to use this parameter. This should only be FALSE when a single variable name that contains spaces is specified.


Instead of displaying the variable tree, return the DOT script as a character string?

mincount, maxcount

Minimum or maximum count to include in a pattern tree or pattern table. (maxcount overrides mincount.)


Show nodes that do not contain any observations?


When REDCap checklists are specified using the stem: syntax, automatically extract the names of choices and use them as variable names?


Text justification ("l"=left, "c"=center, "r"=right).


Like just, but only for extra text, like summaries.


Thousands separator for big numbers.

folder, format, imageFileOnly, pngknit

Control image file generation. folder: a path to a folder where image file will be stored. format: "png" or "pdf" format. imageFileOnly: should an image file should be produced but not displayed? pngknit: generate a PNG file when called during knit? (See Knitr, R Markdown, Sweave below for more information.)

pxwidth, pxheight

Width and height of the PNG bitmap to be rendered when vtree is called from R Markdown. If neither pxwidth nor pxheight is specified, pxwidth is automatically set to 2000 pixels.

imagewidth, imageheight

Character strings representing width and height of the PNG image to be rendered when vtree is called from R Markdown, e.g. "4in" If neither imageheight nor imagewidth is specified, imageheight is set to 3 inches.

width, height

Width and height (in pixels) to be passed to DiagrammeR::grViz.


An error occurs if the number of nodes exceeds maxNodes.

unchecked, checked

Vector of character strings interpreted as "unchecked" and "checked" respectively.


(LaTeX Sweave only.) Crop the image using a feature of \includegraphics. Vector of bp (big points) to trim in the order left, lower, right, upper.


[Graphviz] Use rounded boxes for nodes?

varminwidth, varminheight

[Graphviz] Named vector of minimum initial widths or heights for nodes of each variable.

varminwidth sets the Graphviz width attribute. varminheight sets the Graphviz height attribute.


[GraphViz] The degree (between 0 and 1) to which the tree will be "squeezed". This controls two Graphviz parameters: margin and nodesep.


[Graphviz] arrowhead style. Defaults to "normal". Other choices include "none", "vee".

nodesep, ranksep, margin

[Graphviz] attributes for node separation amount, rank separation amount, and node margin.

graphattr, nodeattr, edgeattr

[Graphviz] Character string: Graphviz attributes for the graph, node, and edge respectively.

nodefunc, nodeargs

Node function and node arguments (see Node functions below).


Report additional details?


A list of functions, with the same length as summary. Each function must take a data frame as its sole argument, and return a logical value. Each string in summary will only be interpreted if the corresponding logical value is TRUE. the corresponding string in summary will be evaluated.


Vector of names of additional variables in the data frame that need to be available to execute the functions in runsummary.


Automatically choose variables? (vars should not be specified)

parent, last

[Internal use only.] Node number of parent and last node.


[Internal use only.] Is this the root node of the tree?


[Internal use only.] A vector representing the subset of observations.


[Internal use only.] Counting nodes that were suppressed by prunesmaller.


[Internal use only.] Summing nodes that were suppress by prunesmaller.


[Internal use only.] Counting nodes that were suppressed by prunebigger.


[Internal use only.] Summing nodes that were suppress by prunebigger.


(Deprecated) Behave as if called while knitting?


(Deprecated) A vector of values specifying "lone nodes" (of any variable) to prune. A lone node is a node that has no siblings (an "only child").


(Deprecated) Prune all missing values? This is problematic because "valid" percentages are hard to interpret when NAs are pruned.


(Deprecated) In legends, the minimum number of characters before an automatic linebreak is inserted.


(Deprecated) Same as showvarnames.


(Deprecated) This was replaced by the data parameter


The value returned by vtree varies depending on both the parameter values specified and the context in which vtree is called.

First, there are two special cases where vtree does not show a variable tree:

  • If ptable=TRUE, the return value is a data frame representing a pattern table.

  • Otherwise, if getscript=TRUE, the return value is a character string, consisting of a DOT script that describes the variable tree.

If neither of the above cases applies, the return value is as follows. If knitting is not taking place (such as when vtree is used interactively):

  • the return value is an object of class htmlwidget (see DiagrammeR). It will intelligently print itself into HTML in a variety of contexts including the R console, within R Markdown documents, and within Shiny output bindings.

    The info attribute of the return object is a list whose top level represents the root node of the tree. Within this list is a list named after the first variable in the tree. In turn, within this list are lists named after the observed values of that variable. In turn, each of these lists is an element named after the next variable in the tree. And so on. The root element as well as each list element named after a value of a variable also contains elements .n (representing the number of observations), .pct (representing the percentage), and .txt (representing additional text such as summaries).

If knitting is taking place:

  • If pngknit=TRUE (the default), the return value is a character string of pandoc markdown code to embed a PNG file with fully-specified path. The character string will have class knit_asis so that knitr will treat it as is (the effect is the same as the chunk option results = 'asis') when it is written to the output. (See ?knitr::asis_output)

  • If pngknit=FALSE, the return value is the same as when knitting is not taking place, i.e. an object of class htmlwidget.

Knitr, R Markdown, Sweave

If folder is not specified and knitting to LaTeX, the folder will be set to the value of knitr::opts_chunk$get("fig.path"). (If this folder does not exist, it will be created.) If folder is not specified and knitting to markdown, a temporary folder will be used.

If format is not specified and knitting is taking place, then a PNG file is generated, unless a LaTeX document is being generated (e.g. via Sweave), in which case a PDF file is generated. PNG image files will end in .png. PDF image files will end in .pdf.

As noted in the Value section above, vtree has special support for R Markdown.

By default, when knitting an R Markdown file, vtree generates PNG files and embeds them automatically in the output document. This feature is needed when knitting to a .docx file. When knitting to HTML, it is not necessary to generate PNG files because HTML browsers can directly display htmlwidgets.

To generate htmlwidgets instead of PNG files, specify pngknit=FALSE. (Note, however, that there are some advantages to embedding PNG files in an HTML file. For example, some browsers perform poorly when numerous htmlwidgets are included in an HTML file.)

When PNG files are generated, they are stored by default in a temporary folder. The folder can also be specified using the folder parameter. (Using the base R function options, a custom option vtree_folder is used to automatically keep track of this.) Successive PNG files generated by an R Markdown file are named vtree001.png, vtree002.png, etc. (A custom option vtree_count is used to automatically keep track of the number of PNG files.)


Each of the parameters prune, keep, prunebelow, follow takes a named list of vectors as its argument. Each vector specifies nodes of a variable.

  • prune: which nodes should be pruned.

  • keep: which nodes should not be pruned.

  • prunebelow: which nodes should have their descendants pruned.

  • follow: which nodes should not have their descendants pruned.

The tprune parameter specifies "targeted" pruning. Standard pruning removes all nodes with the specified value of the specified variable. The tprune parameter specifies one or more particular paths from the root of the tree down to a node to be pruned.

Displaying summary information

The summary parameter allows you to specify information to display in each node. The parameter can be specified as a vector of character strings, where each element represents a different variable to summarize. When an element of summary is specified as a single variable name, the following default set of summary statistics is shown: the variable name, number of missing values, mean and standard deviation, median and interquartile range and range. A customized summary is shown when an element of summary is specified as a character string with the following structure:

  • First, the name of the variable for which a summary is desired.

  • Next a space.

  • The remainder of the string specifies what to display, with text as well as special codes (such as %mean%) to indicate the type of summary desired and to control which nodes display the summary, etc. See the vignette for more details.


The following palettes (obtained from RColorBrewer) are used in the order indicated:

1 Reds 4 Oranges 7 PuBu 10 PuBuGn 13 RdYlGn
2 Blues 5 Purples 8 PuRd 11 BuPu 14 Set1
3 Greens 6 YlGn 9 YlOrBr 12 YlOrRd


Nick Barrowman <[email protected]>

See Also



# Call vtree and give the root node a title
vtree(FakeData,"Sex Severity",title="People")

# R Markdown inline call to vtree
# `r vtree(FakeData,"Sex Severity")`

# Rename some nodes
vtree(FakeData,"Severity Sex",labelnode=list(Sex=(c("Male"="M","Female"="F"))))

# Rename a variable
vtree(FakeData,"Severity Sex",labelvar=c(Severity="How bad?"))

# Show legend. Put labels on the same line as counts and percentages
vtree(FakeData,"Severity Sex Viral",sameline=TRUE,showlegend=TRUE)

# Use the summary parameter to list ID numbers (truncated to 40 characters) in specified nodes
vtree(FakeData,"Severity Sex",summary="id \nid = %list% %var=Severity% %trunc=40%")

# Add text to specified nodes of a tree ("targeted text")
vtree(FakeData,"Severity Sex",ttext=list(
  c(Severity="Severe",Sex="M",text="\nMales with Severe disease"),
  c(Severity="NA",text="\nUnknown severity")))

vtree widget


Shiny bindings for vtree. It is actually a wrapper around grViz.


vtreeOutput(outputId, width = "100%", height = "100%")



output variable to read from

width, height

must be a valid CSS unit in pixels or a number, which will be coerced to a string and have "px" appended.

See Also


Other Shiny Functions: init_js(), inlineCssSetup(), renderVtree(), use_svgzoom()


## Not run: 

ui <- fluidPage(
  vtreeOutput("vtree", width = "100%", height = "800px")

server <- function(input, output, session) {
  output$vtree <- renderVtree({
    vtree(FakeData,"Severity Sex",

shinyApp(ui, server)

## End(Not run)